Strategies for Working Productively in Open Offices

Posted by in Career Advice

Work productivity is one of the main concerns of any business because it affects the success of a company and its workers' satisfaction. An open work space can be chaotic, and strategies that help you focus and increase your work productivity are essential. Obstacles include ringing telephones, people talking, email pings, noise coming from office equipment, the feeling that you are constantly being watched and a lack of personal space.

An open work space is often seen as a perfect way to increase communication among colleagues and worker satisfaction in general. However, some studies on work productivity have showed that this concept of work environment actually reduces work productivity, as workers are not able to concentrate fully on their tasks. Being around a lot of noise and other workers' conversations can be very distracting. Playing soft music or allowing workers to wear headphones can increase their ability to concentrate and reduce noise levels. Telephone headsets can also reduce the noise level significantly.

Another issue that affects work productivity in an open office environment is the lack of privacy for the employees. While some might believe an open office offers an opportunity for more casual conversations and brainstorming sessions, it's important to note that not all people are extroverts who thrive in this sort of work environment. People who appreciate an environment that offers more privacy and silence work better in a private work space. One of the ways to solve this is by providing a separate room for employees to use when they need private time to work. Another option is to allow workers to use time-out signs to let other workers know not to disturb them. This is a good way to have some private time in a cubicle even if it is located in a room full of people.

Making sure that the workers are comfortable at their desks is another important business strategy. Workers who have proper desks and chairs can have better body posture which in turn increases their work productivity. Good body posture makes workers more confident and comfortable. As a result, companies should provide workers with information on how to improve their posture while they sit at their desks. Some companies also invest into desks and ergonomic chairs that are specially made for keeping good posture and proper alignment with a computer.

Work productivity is an important aspect of any business, and it is important to keep the workers' comfort in mind when deciding how to increase the productivity level. While an open office space might be seen as an obstacle to increasing work productivity, playing soft music and offering workers conditions in which they can feel more comfortable and confident can produce positive results.

Photo courtesy of Ambro at


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